Poo's Art
Craters of the Moon Series
A Night On The Moon
Bloom On The Moon
Butcher Bird
Craters Bitterroot
Craters Riparian
Douglas, Cinder, Limber Cones & Lava
Dwarf & Sukdorf's Monkeyflower
Fox Lounge
Hot Real Estate
Lava Alive
Let's Share This Douglas Fir
Let's Share This Limber Pine
It's Currant, Yum
Morning Roost
Rufous On The Moon
City of Rocks Series
Arrowleaf Balsamroot
Bread Loaves
Castle Rock Overlook
City of Rocks Overlook
Fly By
Hello - Red-Naped Sapsucker
Pointy Rock
Rocky Mountain Iris
Rock Wren at Bread Loaves
Spring Wildflowers
Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay
Bird Portraits
Long-eared Owl
Flammulated Owl
Northern Pygmy-Owl
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Western Screech-Owl
Mountain Chickadee
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Red-breasted Nuthatch
White-crowned Sparrow
Townsend's Warbler
Cooper's Hawk
Peregrine Falcon
Northern Goshawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Black-chinned Hummingbird and Penstemon
Calliope and Honeysuckle
Rufous Hummingbird
Xantus' and Penstemon
Yard Rainbow
Coneflower and Black-eyed Susans
Golden Acorn Squash
Fall Maple Leaves
Hand-carved Decoys
Night-blooming Cereus
Orange Pepper
San Juan Capistrano Mission
Sea Shells
Spiny Oyster
Scratchboard Birds
A Gift For You - Pine Grosbeaks
American Goldfinch
Black-billed Magpie
Dawn Song - Violet-Green Swallows
Drum Duet - Red-naped Sapsucker
Ducks On The Pond - Barrow's Goldeneye
Got the Blues - Mountain Bluebird
Peacock Feather
Rainbow On The Water - Wood Ducks
Rare Bird - Siberian Accentor
Sandhill Sunrise
She Looked Up - Calliope Hummingbird
Steller's Jay
Scratchboard Wildflowers
Blue Flax Postcard
Blue Lupine
California Poppy
Calypso Orchid Postcard
False Dandelion Postcard
False Strawberry Postcard
Sitka Columbine Postcard
Sticky Geranium Postcard
Yellow Fritillary Postcard
Idaho Wildflower Poster
Valentines Bird Nest Necklace
Ancient Wing Birder's Luck Amulet Necklace
Ancient Wing Amulet Leather Cord Bracelet
Ancient Wing Amulet Earrings
Ancient Wing Beads
Ancient Wings - Leopard Jasper Necklace
Ancient Wings - Magnesite with Bead Necklace
Ancient Wings - Onyx with Bead Necklace
Mini Ancient Wing Amulet with Swarovski Crystal
Ancient Wings Leather Wrist Wrap
Ancient Wings Kashgar Garnet Necklace
Fledgling Great-horned Owl Cap- Dark Gray
Ancientwing Birder's Luck Cap
Great-horned Owl T-shirt
Night On The Moon T-shirt
"Bird On" Mask
"Bird On" Mask with embedded silver and copper
About Poo
Artist's Statement
Artist's Bio
Poo's Art
Craters of the Moon Series
A Night On The Moon
Bloom On The Moon
Butcher Bird
Craters Bitterroot
Craters Riparian
Douglas, Cinder, Limber Cones & Lava
Dwarf & Sukdorf's Monkeyflower
Fox Lounge
Hot Real Estate
Lava Alive
Let's Share This Douglas Fir
Let's Share This Limber Pine
It's Currant, Yum
Morning Roost
Rufous On The Moon
City of Rocks Series
Arrowleaf Balsamroot
Bread Loaves
Castle Rock Overlook
City of Rocks Overlook
Fly By
Hello - Red-Naped Sapsucker
Pointy Rock
Rocky Mountain Iris
Rock Wren at Bread Loaves
Spring Wildflowers
Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay
Bird Portraits
Long-eared Owl
Flammulated Owl
Northern Pygmy-Owl
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Western Screech-Owl
Mountain Chickadee
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Red-breasted Nuthatch
White-crowned Sparrow
Townsend's Warbler
Cooper's Hawk
Peregrine Falcon
Northern Goshawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Black-chinned Hummingbird and Penstemon
Calliope and Honeysuckle
Rufous Hummingbird
Xantus' and Penstemon
Yard Rainbow
Coneflower and Black-eyed Susans
Golden Acorn Squash
Fall Maple Leaves
Hand-carved Decoys
Night-blooming Cereus
Orange Pepper
San Juan Capistrano Mission
Sea Shells
Spiny Oyster
Scratchboard Birds
A Gift For You - Pine Grosbeaks
American Goldfinch
Black-billed Magpie
Dawn Song - Violet-Green Swallows
Drum Duet - Red-naped Sapsucker
Ducks On The Pond - Barrow's Goldeneye
Got the Blues - Mountain Bluebird
Peacock Feather
Rainbow On The Water - Wood Ducks
Rare Bird - Siberian Accentor
Sandhill Sunrise
She Looked Up - Calliope Hummingbird
Steller's Jay
Scratchboard Wildflowers
Blue Flax Postcard
Blue Lupine
California Poppy
Calypso Orchid Postcard
False Dandelion Postcard
False Strawberry Postcard
Sitka Columbine Postcard
Sticky Geranium Postcard
Yellow Fritillary Postcard
Idaho Wildflower Poster
Valentines Bird Nest Necklace
Ancient Wing Birder's Luck Amulet Necklace
Ancient Wing Amulet Leather Cord Bracelet
Ancient Wing Amulet Earrings
Ancient Wing Beads
Ancient Wings - Leopard Jasper Necklace
Ancient Wings - Magnesite with Bead Necklace
Ancient Wings - Onyx with Bead Necklace
Mini Ancient Wing Amulet with Swarovski Crystal
Ancient Wings Leather Wrist Wrap
Ancient Wings Kashgar Garnet Necklace
Fledgling Great-horned Owl Cap- Dark Gray
Ancientwing Birder's Luck Cap
Great-horned Owl T-shirt
Night On The Moon T-shirt
"Bird On" Mask
"Bird On" Mask with embedded silver and copper
About Poo
Artist's Statement
Artist's Bio